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A member registered Jan 11, 2022

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Went into this expecting it to be like all the other in development VNs but was genuinely surprised at how well it's made. The story is actually enjoyable, the combat is simple but effective, and the characters are tropey in a good way. The only critiques I have is sometimes the text can have improper grammar, that lead to minor confusion occasionally, and some of the character art has weird proportions (ex: Lily when sitting in the chair at her house you can see one foot is noticeably larger than the other) which only require minor fixes. The game does well immersing you in the world and story, had me locked in my seat until I finished the available content. Other than that, Story 8/10 so far, Characters 9/10, Combat 7/10, World 8/10, Overall 8/10. This is the only Hgame that I am looking forward to future content. Keep up the great work Cri-ten.

Long time player but I can't aurora into a cow, it just says its time to turn her into one but no new dialogue showed up.

How do I see the last 2 Claire scenes?

Every time the game updates i have to manually move the saves over, it only happens with this game and none of the other renpy games i play.

computers mark any nonverified .exe as a virus even when they're not, so you're most likely fine